An insight into the Short Story – Part 2

Welcome back!

Are you sitting comfortably? Yes? Then let’s pick up where we left off!

What are the key elements of a short story?

Did you find them all?

Did you find them all?

Now, let’s have a look at an author who has mastered the art of writing short stories. This will help us understand what makes a great short story!

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway is thought to be one of the greatest American writers of all time. His clear, plain writing style has been hugely influential.


In his lifetime, Hemingway published seven novels, six short story collections and two non-fiction works but claimed his best story consisted of just six words

For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.

  1. Is this a story? Why? Why not?
  2. Does this ‘story’ have a beginning, middle and end? Identify and describe these parts.
  3. How does punctuation work in this piece of writing? Think about the kind of impact and effect it has.
  4. How can we apply the 6 key elements of a short story to this example? (Character, setting, plot, theme, conflict, Point Of View)

These are just a few questions designed to help you identify what makes a great short story – don’t worry if you can’t answer all the questions, as long as they have gotten you thinking!

Have a go at this yourself now –

Why don't you have a go?

Why don’t you have a go?

Let us know how you get on by posting a comment here including your short story!

Until next time!

The Kip McGrath Leicester East team!

3 thoughts on “An insight into the Short Story – Part 2

  1. For sale: three journals, never read.
    This was really hard to do. I think I stuck a little too closely to the example. Still a fun way to force myself to think. I liked the chart you included at the top. I’m currently writing a short story. I have one due tomorrow in one of my classes. I’m happy to say that I have included all six elements.

    Liked by 1 person

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